Karla Gibbon

20HRS for 20TALK

I'm supporting mental health prevention by completing the 20 Hours For 20Talk Challenge on April 6th.

20 hours in solitude for 20talk - April 6th x

When I was 18 years old, I lost my first friend to suicide. When I was 21 years old, the same fate took away one of my family members. Somewhere between those days I received two more of the phone calls you never want to pick up; loved ones in tears, friends who had taken their own lives. By the time I was putting on my graduation cap and gown at 22, I had reached an age that none of the friends I lost ever would. 25, and I’m pulling out old photo albums, thinking back to  gameboys and lolly hauls, wondering how things could go so wrong between then and now as I get ready to say goodbye to another friend. At that time nearly all of the funerals I had attended were the result of suicides. 

It broke my heart, again and again, and I am sadly not alone in these feelings. Suicide still remains the leading cause of death for young people between the ages of 15 to 44. The knock on effect that this has on the lives of those left behind is catastrophic; scores of young people navigating the transition into adulthood under the clouds of grief, the losses taking their toll on our own mental health as the confusion on how to cope sets in. 

It's been nearly 10 years since the last time I sat in the car with my friend. I remember our conversation like it was yesterday, how she wondered if anyone really cared. As a teenager I hadn't yet fully grasped how crucial connection really was to all of our lives, how imperative it is to our continued existence; I missed the signs back then. A decade on and I truly understand the value now, thanks in part to my time with 20Talk. I wish I knew then what I know now. 

For those of you that know me, you know that I thrive in closeness. Nothing fulfills me more than a deep chat, and if you let me, I'll be chewing your ears off deep into the small hours. While connecting with others is a beautiful thing, 2024 is the year of cultivating a stronger connection with myself; life isn't always going to provide another activity or person, but you can always bank on yourself. Sitting in a two-square-metre box with only a swag, a camping chair and a journal for 20 hours probably isn't topping the lists of many when it comes to a ripper weekend, but it does tick the boxes of "spend less time on your phone", "write more" and "go on a silent retreat" for me. When the universe says kill three birds with one stone, you can't help but see it as a sign that you're on the right path. 

So how can you help? 

It would mean the world to me if you could donate to my challenge ❤️

At this time, only 2% of mental health funding goes towards prevention (Mental Health Commission 2022). Crisis care is of critical importance, but our youth deserve more support to stop them from getting to crisis-level in the first place. Through your generous charity donations, 20Talk can continue to make educational resources and tools, designed to promote mental health and wellbeing, that are both effective and accessible for young people. 
Some of the great work 20Talk does with your support includes: 
  • Putting a young person through a two-day Mental Health First Aid course for every $300 received 
  • Running large-scale interactive mental health-focused events designed to foster connection to community and the sharing of knowledge 
  • Expanding their online resources and 60,000+ member-strong social media community to help reach young people where they are    
As the old saying goes, "Catch a fish for a person and you'll feed them for a day; teach them how to fish and they'll feed themselves for a lifetime." By removing harmful stigma, increasing mental health literacy, sharing effective strategies and encouraging connection with professional mental health services, 20talk helps young people to feed their minds for a lifetime. 

A couple of years ago, I wouldn't have been ready to be alone with my thoughts, undistracted, for a whole day. To be writing this message to you means that I am lucky enough to have made it this far, never forgetting all those who didn't. This one is for them, as well as for my past and future selves. 
If you're reading this, I want to thank you for the impact you've had in helping me to get here; it's a privilege to feel ready to be challenged in this way and an honour to be able to give back to my community.

With eternal love and gratitude, 
Karla x

My Achievements

Fundraising page

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Received 5 Donations

Reached Goal

Increased Target

Thank you to my Sponsors


Harrison Marslen

Godspeed Karla, I hope some of the pages you write find their way into your book. The world would be a better place if it got to hear more of your thoughts.


Jayden Rynhoud


Karla Gibbon



You are an inspiration baby!



Go gob ❤️


Tay Valmadre


Liz Donovan

A truly great cause, Karla. Xx


Scott Guthrie-phelps


Kirra And Brad

🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 You are brave and beautiful inside and out, we love you!


Caitlin And Tom

A great cause Karla. Thank you for spreading awareness ❤️


Kylie Edmonds


Steph Ball

Nothing short of inspiring Karla, best of luck with the challenge x


Amala Sheridan

Get it baby 😘


Sarah Hutchings


Ollie A



Bill Kirchner



Megan Rex

Go Karla! You got this



Good on ya Karla xx



good luck karla! thank you for sharing your story & for raising awareness and support. you spread goodness wherever you go x


James Kelly








This sounds bloody tough! Good on you karla, hope you get a lot out of it!


R Tweedie



Kelly Shehan



This small donation come with so much love, Karla. I'm sure it will be an emotional day. Franki x


Cat & Harry

go karla go :)


Lizey Rakich

❤️❤️ Thank you for sharing this Karla - all the best❣️❣️❣️



I want to hear all about what comes out of that big beautiful brain of yours in 20 hours of solitude !!



Ur the bom, luv u 🧡


Amara Grace

Proud of you Barla x


Aleks Allison

Time to put it all into practice , you’ve got this xx


Charlie Tesser


Sienna Heath

Love you mamma 💕💕



Twitch Fiber!


Nina Lafferty


Grace Hoban

Spreading the good word sis. Good luck with the challenge, keen to hear how it goes!


Clancy Barnett

U good thing x




Leia Marshall

You are amazing and would be making those you have lost very proud. Your story bought a tear to my eye x